
Full Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment

From 619.00


The Full Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment will give you all you need to sell your products to consumers in the EU. It consists out of the following:

  • Cosmetic Product Information File (PIF)
    • Part A: Cosmetic Product Safety Information – Includes data on the product’s ingredients, stability, microbiological quality, impurities, and packaging.
    • Part B: Cosmetic Product Safety Report  (CPSR) – Contains the safety assessor’s conclusions, warnings, and justifications, ensuring the product is safe under normal use.
  • Laboratory testing and results
  • EU CPNP Notification

Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR)

The EU Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR) is a document that plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of cosmetic products placed on the European Union (EU) market. It is a requirement under the EU Cosmetic Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009), which sets out the rules and regulations for cosmetic products.

Cosmetic Product Information File (PIF)

The Cosmetic Product Information File (PIF) is a comprehensive document that serves as a central repository of information related to a cosmetic product. It is a mandatory requirement under the European Union (EU) Cosmetic Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009). The PIF is intended to provide competent authorities with access to key details about a cosmetic product and its safety assessment.

Cosmetic challenge test

A cosmetic challenge test, often referred to as a preservative efficacy test or a challenge test, is a laboratory procedure conducted to assess the effectiveness of preservatives in cosmetic products. The purpose of this test is to ensure that the formulation is adequately protected against microbial contamination throughout its shelf life and usage by consumers.

Microbiology test

Microbiology testing is a critical aspect of the cosmetic industry, focusing on product safety and quality by monitoring and controlling microbial contamination. It helps manufacturers produce safe and effective cosmetic and personal care products for consumers.

Cosmetics stability test

Cosmetics stability testing is a series of evaluations conducted to assess how a cosmetic product’s physical, chemical, and microbiological properties are affected over time when stored under various conditions. The purpose of this testing is to ensure that the product remains safe, effective, and retains its intended quality throughout its shelf life.

EU CPNP Notification

The EU CPNP Notification refers to the process of notifying cosmetic products to the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP), which is a centralized online notification system used within the European Union (EU). The CPNP is established under the EU Cosmetic Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009), and it serves as a tool for the exchange of information about cosmetic products among regulatory authorities and the Responsible Persons placing these products on the market.