Microbiology Test


Microbiology testing is a critical aspect of the cosmetic industry, focusing on product safety and quality by monitoring and controlling microbial contamination. It helps manufacturers produce safe and effective cosmetic and personal care products for consumers

Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory bodies, such as the FDA in the U.S. and the EU Cosmetics Regulation, mandate microbiological safety to prevent infections and reactions.

Standards and Test Methods

Common standards include ISO 17516 and USP 61. Methods typically involve the use of microbial culture techniques to identify and quantify any microorganisms.

Evaluation Parameter Method Limit Value
Total Count of Aerobic-Mesophilic Bacteria ISO 21149 Products for children under 3 years of age, products applied to the eye area, products applied to mucous membranes: <100 cfu/g

Other products: <1000 cfu/g

Total Count of Mold and Yeast ISO 16212
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ISO 22717 Should not be found
Staphylococcus aureus ISO 22718
E.coli ISO 21150
Candida albicans ISO 18416